Asia holds a Deeper Truth

3 min readMay 17, 2021


Growing up in New Mexico with other Hispanics didn't really realize the difference between being white, slightly brown, and very brown. But if you were black — then that was to be noticed. After leaving to a collage that was near the Texas, New Mexico boarder — segregation then became more obvious.

Quite talented with horses, and with a rope found myself face to face with a tall rancher that needed some help with yearlings (young calves under a year old) that had just been put on wheat. A good friend of my, who we rodeo-ed together, told me this rancher would pay $150 to $200 dollars per day if you had your own horse. Of course told the rancher about how I had come to find his need for help. But he then looked me into the eyes, and said, but son, that's not what we pay Mexicans. Immediately told him that I was not a Mexican but an American. That my father is German and no thanks. I'm not interested in helping a raciest.

So what to say… dealing with such people is not enjoyable. And it is terribly sad that so many people are still asleep. But we know that we are not alone, for these same people happen to also put themselves above all the animals. And when this became clear, there was a nice feeling to be on the animals side of the bigger issue.

But years later left a premed education to study acupuncture. And found myself in love with the Japanese culture. It is one of the riches cultures that has ever touched my life. It was due to this connection that it became clear what our pharmaceutical and medical industry where doing to American people. They had stooped so low, as to make profit more important then the health and well being of a human. Now that's really sick.

Japanese acupuncture is still being used for the purpose of healing and helping people. Through understanding basic acupuncture, we can understand that washing hands, social distancing and masks are just another hype to sell their vaccinations. And from the very beginning vaccinations have been a hype to make profit from the American people and spread the nonsense further out into the world. Don't even know how they have managed to spread a lie so far out into the global community?

Acupuncture will highlight that a balance meridian system will create a strong immune system. And it is our immune system that can fight a virus and not much of anything else. It takes Nature to fight with something that is Nature based.

So like never before we need a brotherhood with Asia, and especially with individuals who are interested in connecting. They have continued to use this 5,000 year old "traditional" medicine. A way of healing that has earned the name, "traditional." And we need Asian influence to burst the bubble of the medical industry and pharmaceutical industry hype and outright lies. We need to get back to taking care of the system that Nature supplied us. And educate people so that they can take care of themselves. We have so much to learn from the Asian communities.

Thank you for reading this post, Gary




Written by CowboyYoga

A rider really, but found myself becoming a writer over the last six years. Grew up in the mountains of N. M. Spent time with horses... angles they are!!

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