Feed the fire until it roars…

5 min readJan 31, 2021


Homemade Woodstove Burning Hot…

"Clicking off zoom," was the lead line for an article on Medium our last Sunday in January. What, I questioned? A writer by the name of Rita Duponty wrote a touching article on how sad it was to relate to a couple’s bridle shower, and wedding ceremony on line.

And yeah, I am with her, one hundred present. This is a sad deal. Its a special time for hugs, kisses and love to be shared as a big family. And so what are we going to do? Do you want to go on accepting such limitations due to an outdated virus control concept?

Rita digress further into the article as she finds reasons for accepting the bad, by highlighting the things that are positive. Such as, at least these two people love each other. And they have their health. And at least they have all these friends who did show up on Zoom. But if that’s the case, what for even start off by complaining how sad and bad things are?

Goodness people… there is very little control of a virus that is possible within the environment. That is why this year when the Swine Pig Virus hit China, we didn’t see pig farmers trying to vaccinate their animals. And even though they tightened way down on who could come into the farm — farms that were hundreds of miles away from the virus were affected. The strain on Sunday that affected 600 pigs can change on Monday and kill another thousand pigs. And by the following Friday the virus once more transforms into yet another form of the “same” virus. So a vaccine is a business model that works only for those making and selling them, due to the ability to make rapid changes to the RNA, or DNA makeup.

The thing that pig researchers are doing, is looking for the pigs that have found their own immunity to that virus. Then they can study that pool of genetics and work at breeding that into a breed that would be immune to this terrible virus. So this leads us to the point, that the only thing that we have available is to develop and support, and care for the immune system. And this breaks out into a larger set of extending branches. The first one branch extension, should be the access and support of awareness to structured water. Because structured water is the “sacred” aspect to these water vessels that we live in.

We have to rebuild our line of food products. There are so many products that simply just need to be removed from the supermarket. We have manufacture allowances that need tighter restrictions to keep all chemicals out of food products. And yep… all of them need to be removed. And that might mean that our super markets look more like rows of frozen and dried foods. And it also mean people preserve their own foods in quantities that take their families through the winter.

Goodness… we have the branch of medicine that might just need to be totally cut off the tree? Who has a chainsaw? And a handsaw will do in a pinch. And yeah, we have a lot of good doctors out there. But how do we get them and us from sucking off this unhealthy allopathic feed tube? Such things like antibiotics have to have very tight restrictions, or just removed from the open market.

Simply because they kill the immune system. And that’s the whole point; to save her. We can nurture out a new branch. And it should be based on supporting the system as it is. This means in short; the end of allopathic medicine and the pharmaceutical industry. And the return of traditional medicine based on serving the people — no profits.

Holy Smokes! We have to get back to taking care of the bees! Can you follow my cowboy thinking? If we have crops on the fields that require chemicals and fertilizers that kill bees — then get rid of them! Get rid of those poisons and if we have to remove such a crop.

Because if such poisons are killing bees, they are killing us too; just a bit slower. Like we’re to ill to fight off a virus, but healthy enough that with a cup of coffee to go to work. We are going to have to all participate in growing something. And yes all of you… even those of you living on the twenty four floor. Figure out how to grow something and grow it.

Okay… one more for the sake of keeping this article under a six minute read… we have to learn about the power of groundedness. And the ways to get grounded, and the ways that make us ungrounded. And to start with that means — get off any and all caffeine drinks or products. Second, if not first; get the rubber based shoes off your feet. Get that soul on the ground touching the vibrating grounded Earth (* ops… sole, is the correct spelling, but maybe not). And then get rooted and root deep!

So what really touched me is that Rita is a writer. And she is on to a sad situation of separation occurring due to some outdated business concepts. Meaning the health concepts were sold to the public to promote business though the lack of health. Rita, in one sense is my Sister. And your Sister too if you are a writer or a reader. The value for the written word is our common thread bonding us as family. Nothing personal, but Rita in this article is like a fire in a woodstove that’s not hot enough to make a difference. You know what I mean? As a cowboy living up in the high mountains of northern New Mexico, such a fire brought no heat to the room. And much less warmed the hands. And writers, readers, photographers, and artists, hear this calling. We collectively must not just keep the fire burning. We must feed that fire and get it to a roar. Let the heat and the Light touch all those that come near enough. The Power and the answers are in the Light. And in order to have the Light root that toe to the dirt — and be healthy.




Written by CowboyYoga

A rider really, but found myself becoming a writer over the last six years. Grew up in the mountains of N. M. Spent time with horses... angles they are!!

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