Ground to access power

We really are not so different then a light bulb

3 min readApr 8, 2022
Real Horse-Power

Language gets more complex in order to communicate how to access greater Power. Such as words and ideas that cover how to manage energy centers. But the truth is that we don’t need these more complicated conversations about chakras. As long as, in the first place, the default program that comes with the package at birth and the relationship to Nature is not interfered with. Can you follow my cowboy thinking? Things and lessons have a way of coming into spiritual teachings when the student is ready to learn. The vocabulary around energy centers describes how to work with and care for this Spiritual Energy so that it flows through our water based instrument. And wow, in a nut shell that flow, the Source point, and the Grounding point, are as critical as hooking up the horse to the wagon; a spiritual principle put in a nutshell.

Take the darn shoes off and get the feet in the dirt! And this is not a set of instruction found in any corporate handbooks, collage handouts, or guidance given to toddlers in nurseries. These instruction for should be any kind of text that is connected to religion. But it is not. The ability to ground is a critical skill to any kind of success. And yeah, language like rooting, depth of roots, and being grounded, at first might sound weird, and unacceptable. Especially, if one is wrapped-up by religious dogma and cultural, scientific information. Instructions to plug in, log-in, and communicate with the Source might also sound strange. Water that is structured with 6 molecules to one clusters is a critical but tiny detail nobody talks about. And all of these things might be as foreign as learning a secondary language, but they are key to spiritual development?

Fasting for 18 hours or more, should not come as such a big surprise, considering that Jesus went forty days without food or water. He was sending us a message made through his actions that could later be shared with words. But writing every morning seems to be outside of a spiritual practice. But it is one of the simplest way to practice rooting and assure that the flow is working. Because if the pen will move and fill up a page — it's working. If one finds themself stuck, without a word to say — one is either lacking ground, or enough power to deal with the task.

The pen hits the paper like a plow horse being asked to plow the field, when I am writing. Is this metaphoric? Is this a concept? No, if we get that below the sole of the foot, is a root system that is required in order to access power — then horsepower is what drives the pen, the same as it pulls the plow. This would then turn "writers block" into writers without horsepower. And that's doable. Because we know that there's an electrical equation that tell us if we are hooked into the Source, and grounded, that power will flow. This points us not to quality of what we are writing, but to the actual mechanism of the power behind the pen. Quality of writing will come, as long as there is the horsepower to keep writing! )))




A rider really, but found myself becoming a writer over the last six years. Grew up in the mountains of N. M. Spent time with horses... angles they are!!